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User Import Guide (Admins)

Total Expert User Import Guide 

Document Purpose 

This document describes the information needed to import new Loan Officers, Marketing, and Admin users into the Total Expert (TE) platform. The more information you provide for the import, the more you will be able to take advantage of TE’s various features. 

Import File Template

To download a sample template of that can be used to import new TE user records:

  1. Select Import Data in the navigation menu.
  2. In the Templates for Imports section on the right side of the page, click the Users button.
  3. Save the file to a known location.

The following table outlines TE data fields used for user import. 

Visible in UI – This column identifies which information is visible in the TE user interface (UI). 

Total Expert Fields – These are TE common field names. 

Description – This column has brief information on the expected data. See the Data Content Definitions section for additional details. 

Data Type – This column is the expected data type. 


Visible in UI 

Total Expert Fields 


Data Type 


user.organization_id (required) 

TE will provide this ID for your organization. 

type: tinyint 
length: 10 

User’s setting 


The cost center is used to separate users for branding purposes (see notes below). 

type: varchar 
length: 100 

User’s setting 


The location ID is used to separate users on a branch level for branding purpose. 

type: varchar 
length: 100 

User’s setting 

user.role_id (required) 

Used to assign the same set of user permissions to a set of similar users. Example roles: Loan Officer, LOA, Admin, Compliance, Training. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 

user.type_id (required) 

2 – Lender – Always 2 

type: varchar 
length: 50 

User’s setting 

user_info.f_name (required) 

The user’s first name. 

type: varchar 
length: 50 

User’s setting 

user_info.l_name (required) 

The user’s last name. 

type: varchar 
length: 50 

User’s setting (required) 

The user’s primary email address. 

type: varchar 
length: 50 

User’s setting 


The user’s job title. 

type: varchar 
length: 100 

User’s setting 


The user’s login user name. For a new user, this is generated by import based on the email address. 

type: varchar 
length: 30 

The plain text password is not visible 


This should be left blank 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User list 

user.status (required) 

0 – Inactive User 

1 – Active User 

type: tinyint 
length: 1 

User list 

user.is_trial (required) 

0 – Full Account 
1 – Trial Account 

type: tinyint 
length: 1 

User’s setting 


An ID used to link with an external data source, such as an LOS. 

type: varchar 
length: 128 

User’s setting 


The user’s headshot. A complete file name is required. Preferred sizing is 200px by 300px.  1mb Max 

type: varchar 
length: 500 

User’s setting 

User’s company name. This information will be visible on marketing materials, websites, and emails. 

type: varchar 
length: 100 

User’s setting 

The user’s website address. Must have https:// 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s cell phone number. The preferred format is (555)555-1234. 

type: varchar 
length: 25 

User’s setting 


The user’s office phone number. The preferred format is (555)555-1234. 

type: varchar 
length: 25 

User’s setting 


The user’s fax number. The preferred format is (555)555-1234. 

type: varchar 
length: 25 

User’s setting 


The first line of the user’s address. 

type: varchar 
length: 100 

User’s setting 


The second line of the user’s address. 

type: varchar 
length: 100 

User’s setting 

The city associated with the user’s address. 

type: varchar 
length: 50 

User’s setting 


The state abbreviation associated with the user’s address. 

type: varchar 
length: 2 

User’s setting 


The ZIP code associated with the user’s address. 

type: varchar 
length: 10 

User’s setting 

user_info.timezone_name Required 

Select the option that most closely matches the user’s location: 

America/New_York – (Eastern) 

America/Chicago – (Central) 

America/Denver – (Mountain) 

America/Phoenix – (Mountain (No DST)) 

America/Los_Angeles – (Pacific) 

America/Anchorage  (Alaska) 

America/Adak – (Hawaii) 

Pacific/Honolulu – (Hawaii (no DST)) 


type: varchar 
length: 50 

User’s setting 


Loan Officer NMLS# for the user. 

type: varchar 
length: 100 

User’s setting 


A short text biography of the user. Use only if this text is included in print marketing. If there are any page breaks, the bio will not import correctly. 


User’s setting 


The URL of the user’s Facebook page. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The URL of the user’s Twitter page. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The URL of the user’s Google page. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The URL of the user’s LinkedIn page. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The URL of the user’s YouTube page. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The URL where the user has online applications. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


A token to be added to the user’s custom URL. See example below. 

type: varchar 
length: 100 

User’s setting 


User-specific disclaimer that is unique to any organization/state disclaimer.  

type: varchar 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Alaska. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Alabamba. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Arkansas. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Arizona. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in California. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Colorado. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Connecticut. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in the District of Columbia. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Delaware. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Florida. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Georgia. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Hawaii. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Iowa. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Idaho. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Illinois. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Indiana. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Kansas. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Kentucky. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Louisiana. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Massachusetts. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Maryland. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Maine. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Michigan. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Minnesota. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Missouri. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Mississippi. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Montana. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in North Carolina. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in North Dakota. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Nebraska. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in New Hampshire. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in New Jersey. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in New Mexico. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Nevada. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Ohio. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Oklahoma. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Oregon. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Pennsylvania. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Puerto Rico. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Rhode Island. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in South Carolina. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in South Dakota. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Tennessee. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Texas. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Utah. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Virginia. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Vermont. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Washington. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in Wisconsin. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


The user’s appropriate state license number in West Virginia. 

type: varchar 
length: 255 

User’s setting 


You may assign any users to 4 teams (see note below) for initial import. More can be added manually once the user is created in the system 

type: varchar 
length: 50 

User’s setting 


The full name of the user’s manager. This user must exist in the import file. 

type: varchar 
length: 50 


Data Content Definitions 

user.organization_id (required) – This is a numerical value assigned to the organization within the TE platform that your project manager will provide you with or fill out. 

user_info.cost_center – Cost Center is generally used to denote different business units. Logic can be used based on this field to dictate branding or disclaimer changes for content. 

user_info.location_id – Used similarly to Cost Center on a branch level. 

user.role_id (required)  Is used to define the user role assigned to that user; a user role determines the specific permissions allowed to users with that role. Therefore, you should outline the ID associated with the permission set. The Implementation Project Manager will provide a list of user roles and their corresponding IDs. If additional user roles are needed, contact your Project Manager. 

user.type_id – The value for type_id will always be 2. 

user_info.f_name (required)  Enter the user’s first name. The first name will appear on any marketing materials. 

user_info.l_name (required– Enter the user’s last name. This last name will appear on any marketing materials. (required– Enter the user’s primary email address. Users will use this email address to log in to the platform. This email address will also appear on any marketing materials, and it will be the “From address for any emails the user sends from TE. 

Each user must have a unique email address. If you enter an email address that is already in use by a TE user and attempt to save the entry form, you will see an error message at the top of the screen and the new user will not be created. 

user_info.job_title – The user’s job title. 

user.username – Leave this blank. TE will automatically create a username based on the user’s email address during the import. 

user.password – This should be left blank. 

user.status – You can choose to import either Active or Inactive users. 

  •  Inactive 

  •  Active 

user.is_trial – The default value is always 0. This is used for internal purposes at TE. 

user.external_id – Unique identifier that allows TE to link a user with a different data source such as LOS or a data warehouse. 

user_settings_marketing.profile_img – This field is for LO's profile images (headshots). Enter a URL for each LO's image or file name (case sensitive) if supplied in a zip file. – User’s organization name. This information will be visible in marketing materials. – If your users want to share a website within their profile (user-specific or corporate), the URL must be in a full URL address (for example, If the website URL is missing HTTPS in the beginning, it will not import correctly, and it will not display properly on marketing materials. 

user_info.phone_cell – User’s cell phone number. This information will display on marketing materials 

user_info.phone_office – User’s office phone number. This information will display on marketing materials. 

user_info.phone_fax – User’s fax number. This information will display on marketing materials. 

user_info.address – User’s business street address. This information will display on marketing materials. 

user_info.address_two – User’s business street address if address requires a second line, such as suite number. This information will display on marketing materials. – User’s business municipality of business location. This information will display on marketing materials. 

user_info.state – User’s business state location. This information will display on marketing materials. 

Since the state field has a 2-character limit, TE recommends using the state’s postal abbreviation. 

user_info.zipcode – User’s business zipcode location. This information will display on marketing materials. 

user_info.timezone_name (required– Users cannot log in to TE unless they have a time zone associated with their profile. Use the drop-down menu in the Excel template to populate this column, as this directly correlates to terminology within the TE platform. For example, use America/New York or America/Chicago instead of Eastern or Central. 

user_settings_marketing.license_title – Enter the appropriate licensing information for the user. 

user_settings_marketing.agent_bio – Enter a short marketing text blurb about the use. 

user_settings_marketing.social_facebook – Enter the full URL for the user’s corresponding account pages, for example, link will display on marketing materials. 

user_settings_marketing.social_twitter – Enter the full URL for the user’s corresponding account pages, for example, link will display on marketing materials. 

user_settings_marketing.social_google – Enter the full URL for the user’s corresponding account pages, for example, link will display on marketing materials. 

user_settings_marketing.social_linkedIn – Enter the full URL for the user’s corresponding account pages, for example, link will display on marketing materials. 

user_settings_marketing.social_youtube – Enter the full URL for the user’s corresponding account pages, for example, link will display on marketing materials. 

user_settings_marketing.application_url – Enter the full URL for the user’s corresponding account pages, for example, 

user_settings_marketing.short_name – This field is to insert a LO-specific value into an external-facing link; for example, - jdoe would be the short name. 

user_settings_marketing.disclaimer– Enter the license number under each related state field that a loan officer is licensed to generate disclaimers. 

License_AK through License_WY – Populate the license number under each related state field that a loan officer is licensed in. This information is used to drive corporate state disclaimers. 

Team1 – Teams allow you to group users for in-platform functionality, such as sharing leads within a team or assigning tasks to team members. Team managers can also log (spoof) into team members’ accounts to view statistics (this is audit tracked). Reporting data and media settings and access can also be detected at a team level. Typical examples are Division, Region, Branch, and LO Team (LO supported by LO Assistant or multiple users on a team). 

TE recommends the team’s name be 50 characters or fewer. 

Team1_Manager – Name the individual (manager or LOA) handling tasks on the loan officer’s behalf. 


Where Does the Information Display in Total Expert 

The more user profile details are in TE, you will have better brand exposure in marketing materials. 

Below is how user profile information and social media links might appear in email communication. 


Total Export Headshot Guide 

Best practices for headshots: 

  • Image includes the head and shoulders, (partial shoulder is fine) 

  • Plain or blurred background 

  • Not cropped too closely to the head 

  • Should be in color, in focus, have proper lighting, good composition, and expert color correction and retouching 

  • Files must be .jpg or .png 

Below are examples of recommended headshots: 


Headshot Orientation:
We ask that your headshots are consistent in their orientation and ratio. Our recommended orientation is portrait (vertical).
File Size: 
We recommend the file be at least 300 dpi, with the image at least 600x900 piels (2:3) with a maximum file size of 1MB. If your intend on professional printing larger items like banners or signs please discuss this with your Total Expert Content Operations Coordinator as a larger file size may be needed.



Example of Expert Content footer:

Below are some examples of where the headshots will appear in your Total Expert web and print content.  

Lead Capture App (web) 


Expert Content Footer(print) 


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