- Click Select file to upload and choose your file OR drag and drop your saved CSV import file.
- File upload limit is 50MB.
- You receive a success message if the upload was done correctly.
- Click Continue to advance.
- Map your column name data information to the correct mapped property.
- Clicking Apply Defaults automatically maps your columns to the proper TE fields.
- A pop-up box appears.
- Click Yes to continue.
- Click Continue to advance.
- A pop-up box appears.
- Choose to save your mapping template for future use by choosing one of the following:
- Existing template
- New template
- Do not save
- Click Continue to advance.
- Review your import test results.
- Check the acknowledgement and click Submit to finish.
At the bottom of the page, click Save & Exit at anytime to save your progress and come back to your import at a later time.