You can only create a cost split on a co-branded asset.
- On the left navigation, click Manage Marketing > Manage Templates.
- Search for the template.
- Next to the template you want to use, click Actions > Media Markups.
- Click Calculate New Cost Split.
- Under Markup Settings, choose Draw Loan Officer Share OR Draw Co-Marketer Share.
- On the media template, click, drag, and draw the piece that should be paid for by either the loan officer or the co-marketer.
- Any areas not covered will be split 50/50 by the parties involved.
- Repeat steps 5 & 6 for each contributor.
- Click Reset to redraw your cost split areas.
- Once satisfied, click Calculate.
- This automatically breaks down the cost percentages.
- Input a name for the markup.
- Once completed, click Save Cost Split Markup.
- A confirmation message appears.
- Click Ok then click Back to return to your markup list.